Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Project Runway - Review

SPOILERS for Oct. 11th's show

I'm making this review brief because A.) there's a lot of photos to publish and B.) this episode BLEW. Okay, I've been thrown off by two reality finales--I thought last Sunday was the Flavor of Love 2 finale, and it wasn't. I thought tonight was the Project Runway finale, and it wasn't. WHY MUST THEY STRETCH OUT MY IMPATIENCE AND AGONY?!

Tim Gunn, who is likely my favorite TV personality ever ("Make it work!"), visited the designers to get a glimpse at their collections for the Olympus Fashion Week show. Michael didn't seem to have a good grip on his collection, only having three pieces to show Tim. I wished he hadn't wanted to go for such an on-the-money 70's look. Laura's collection bored the bejeezus out of me. Uli's collection was very her, very wearable, but not particualrly innovative. Jeffrey's collection looked the most promising, particularly a green and white candystriped dress with zipper detailing.

Laura, however, was not convinced that Jeffrey could have completely finished his collection on his own. While the other designers made alterations, finished hems and added buttons, Jeffrey sat around looking at model sheets. How can he have been completely done?

Did Jeffrey cheat? For his sake, I hope not. But my gut tells me he might have--not because I think he is incapable of such fine craftsmanship, but because he had so many other projects happening at the same time. The preview for the (sigh) real finale has me a little apprehensive. On one hand, I feel that YES, if Jeffrey cheated, he should be removed from the show. On the other hand, his collection looks like his best work to date, and it sucks to have a strong creative voice silenced.

I'd like to hear peoples' opinions on the comments--do you think Jeffrey cheated? If he did...should he be sent home?



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